Miyerkules, Oktubre 24, 2012

Draft for Intoduction

Filipinos are prone to Gambling Addiction
A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of the English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRIT- Research Writing

Mich Baylon
October 2012

Chapter I

A.     Background of the Study

            Gambling is a game that involves money. Studies shows that people do gamble it’s because of; feeling lucky, to have fun, financial need, escape, relaxation, to win money, worthwhile cause and socializing. Gambling addiction also considered as Compulsive Gambling its type of impulse-control disorder.

            An Article states that “Compulsive gamblers can’t control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones. Gambling is all they can think about and all they want to do, no matter the consequences.” The author says that no one can stop a person from gambling. (http://www.helpguide.org/mental/gambling_addiction.htm)

            There are different groups of person who are considered as gamblers, these groups are based on their; gender, age, social class, marital status, community size and religion. It only shows that the population of gamblers is getting bigger. And some of them are now compulsive gamblers.

            When a person gets addicted into gambling, no one can stop him. The only person can help him to avoid gambling is himself. By the time, this person realize that he is doing things beyond his power he will probably stop doing it. But the right thing to avoid it is first, to lessen playing/betting in a particular game. And after 3 weeks he can now stop doing it.

            Filipinos are engaged in gambling. Most especially during the wake of a dead person. It is the tradition in the Philippines that there’s a gambling event happening every night.
            After dealing with the different types of person who are considered as compulsive gamblers this paper is focuses on the Reasons Why Filipinos are Prone to Gambling.

B.      Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:

1.      What are the reasons why Filipinos are prone to gambling addiction compare to other nationality?

C.      Significance of the Study

            Filipinos. This research paper would be able to help the society to know more about gambling, and for them to understand why Filipinos are prone to gambling.

D.     Scope and Delimitation
            This Study will focuses on the Reasons Why Filipinos are Prone to Gambling Addiction. Due to time constraints, this study will no longer focus on the effects of gambling.  Also there are lots of researches done about the effects of gambling.

E.      Materials and Methods

            This research will be based upon Reasons Why Filipinos are Prone to Gambling Addiction.          
            Information relevant to the study was gathered from various reference materials such as journal articles from online resources. In addition, based on own experience who was interviewed to strengthen the findings of this study.

F.       Definition of Terms
            Gambling. is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.
            Compulsive Gambling. Compulsive gambling is the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on your life. If you're prone to compulsive gambling, you may continually chase bets, lie or hide your behavior, and resort to theft or fraud to support your addiction.
            Casino. is a facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities
            Tradition. is a ritual, belief or object passed down within a society, also a basical character of a society still maintained in the present, with origins in the past.
            Culture. the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations
            Poverty. It is the inability to satisfy one's basic needs because one lacks income to buy services or from lack of access to services.

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