While I was surfing the net I came across an article that talks about the rewards of gambling, entitled The Effects of Gambling. The author says I gamble because:
- I love the thrill of playing.
- I know a big payout could solve all my problems.
- Gambling is my only shot at becoming a millionaire.
- I feel important when I win. I love being able to treat my family and friends.
- I have a sure system. It's just a matter of time before I win again.
- When I am on, I can make money fast and easily.
- Gambling lets me forget my problems and pain for a while.
- Gambling is the one thing in my life that is just for me. When I gamble, I'm in control.
- Gambling gets me out of the house. I feel safe and welcome.
- All my friends gamble.
Also gambling has a lot of negative issues, and because of that some of the family members of a gambler or loved ones make it a point that they wanted their loved ones to stop gambling. And it becomes the problem that gambling give to a family. In the article I've read the author also gives some negative effects of gambling. and these are the following:
- My partner is threatening to leave me if I don't stop.
- We fight all the time about my gambling.
- I'm tired of sneaking around, lying and hiding my losses.
- My reputation has been hurt.
- Creditors are hassling me. I'm looking at bankruptcy.
- Gambling is all I ever think about. It has taken over my life.
- I've stopped caring about things that should be important to me.
- I've borrowed money from so many people. I feel ashamed to face them.
- I'm afraid I'll lose my job because I'm always so distracted.
- My health is suffering.
- I don't even enjoy gambling most of the time.
- I feel like such a loser. Sometimes I hate myself so much I want to end it all.
TumugonBurahinPost #3: 7/10